AL-Jamiathul Ghawsiyyah is an Arabic educational institution situated in the heart of Colombo Sri Lanka. This Madrasa is conducted on the principles of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama’ath and its mission is to inculcate the Love of Allah (سبحانه تعالى), His prophet Muhammadh (صلى الله عليه وسلم) and the religion of Islam in students and a vivid concern for the hereafter. AL- Jamiathul Ghawsiyyah has a long history of almost three decades since 1993. This madrasa is well established, independent center for learning with an Islamic Library collections comprise of Tasawwuf / Sufism, Quranic studies, Hadhiz studies and as well as dictionaries of the Islamic world and have permanent buildings, paid staff and resident scholars with living quarters. Students are given room and board and received a full time education.

It’s being managed by high officials and members of our community, under the guidance of

  • His Holiness As Seyyid A.I. Hassan PooKoya Thangal and
  • His Holiness As Seyyid A.I. Hussain PooKoya Thangal [حَـفِـظَهُمَااللهُ وَرَعَاهُـَما]

the founder

His Holiness As Seyyid Sheikh Koya Thangal [Sheikhul Kaamil]

  • [ Also known as Abdur Rasheed Thangal Waappa] (قدس الله سره العزيز)
  • *Al Qadhiriyyi War- Rifayiyyi a religious order* primarily founded AL- Jamiathul Ghawsiyyah to gain the “knowledge of God -Sufism /Tasawwuf”.
  • The curriculum established by the founder are taught and fully protected from interference.
  • His Holiness As Seyyid Sheikh Koya Thangal is a 34th descendant of our Prophet Muhammadh (صلى الله عليه وسلم ) and 17th descendant of Ash Sheikh Abdul Qadhir Jeelani (قدس الله سره العزيز )


His Holiness As Seyyid Fareed Waliyullah who hails from Androth Island in India set foot in Ceylon (present Sri Lanka) In the year 1841, followed by His successor As Seyyid Idhuroos Thangal, the 11th descendant of Ash Sheikh Abdul Qadhir Jeelani ( قدس الله سره العزيز ) visited. In the year 1851 As Seyyid Idhuroos Thangal and His nephew As Seyyid Abdul Qadhir Thangal visited. Followed by their successor and their nephew As Seyyid Muhammadh Buhari Thangal visited In 1900. Followed by in 1923 His nephew As Seyyid Ali PooKoya Thangal and in the year 1934 His nephews As Seyyid Yoosuf Kunchi Koya Thangal and His brother As Seyyid Abdul Qadhir Thangal visited. And their nephew and successor His Holiness As Seyyid Sheikh Koya Thangal set His foot in Ceylon with His Uncles in 1944 at the age of Thirteen.

Amid several distresses these Awliya Allah took such burdens to carry on their ancestors’ wishes to guide the Muslims of this country on the correct path of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama’ath.

After the demise of both the uncles in the year 1952 His Holiness As Seyyid Sheikh Koya Thangal visited Sri Lanka till His last breath in 1996. During which time His Holiness built two Madrasas namely AL-Madrasathul Minhajiyyah in the central province and AL- Jamiathul Ghawsiyyah in the western province. His Holiness have erected miraculous stones in many places in Sri Lanka, which absorb poison and people of all races are highly benefited. His Holiness’s knowledge, wisdom and miracles are immense and disciples and devotees are innumerable. Having done numerous services His Holiness left this world on the 22nd of Safar 1418. (Gregorian - June 27th 1997) and resting in Makbara at Palliyamoola, Kannur, Kerala - 670008, India.

His Holiness As Seyyid A.I. Hassan PooKoya Thangal [ حفظه الله ورعاه]

His Holiness As Seyyid A.I. Hussain PooKoya Thangal [ حفظه الله ورعاه]


  • His Holiness As Seyyid A.I. Hassan PooKoya Thangal
  • His Holiness As Seyyid A.I. Hussain PooKoya Thangal

Twin Brothers, the grand children of His Holiness As Seyyid Sheikh Koya Thangal, set their foot in Sri Lanka at the age of Sixteen in 2002 and visit to date following the footsteps of their ancestors and administering the Institutes established by their Grand Father His Holiness As Seyyid Sheikh Koya Thangal.


Primarily we focus on Sufism while teaching the Qur’an and Hadhiz [ the recorded sayings of the Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم], sacred law, memorization of Qur’an and other Islamic subjects. Generally, we teach the Islamic calculation, literature, grammar, poetry, history and adhere to the shafi school of sunni jurisprudence.

We also teach our students the national languages which are Sinhala, Tamil and English and prepare them for the State General Certificate of Education Exam Ordinary level and advanced level for those who wish to attend higher education.

Our teachers, professors, administrators, researchers and policy makers are expected to innovate the theory and practice of teaching and learning to ensure quality preparation of all students to life and work. Our crucial role is creating a sustainable future for our students.

We believe in educational programs for all or education for all and we focus on several practical innovations and their implementation to increase effectiveness of technology innovations in education, particularly online learning to raise time and cost efficiency of education.

Above all, weekly we conduct the Qadhiriyyah Ratheeb and the annual feast [ Kanduri] of Ash Sheikh Abdul Qadhir Jeelani (قدس الله سره العزيز )and commemorate the events of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم), the founder His Holiness As Seyyid Sheikh Koya Thangal and other Awliya Allah whom deemed relevant.



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